February Meeting: 11 February 2025, 9:30am for 10am start, at Brisbane Square Library

WorkshopGreat Beginnings by Anna Campbell, Award Winning Historical Romance Novelist

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The Value of Critiquing

Critiquing is an important benefit of being in a group of writers. One of the most popular benefits of membership with SWWQ is the Postal Magazines. There are several of these “magazines” under the guidance of  our Postal Magazine Editor, Sue Wagner.  The idea is that a group of members  will participate in a “circle”.  Each member writes some material, and it is circulated throughout the group, often by post.  Each member is asked to make comment on the other writing. So all members will get feedback.  (More details about these in a future post on this blog).

Our plans for SWWQ Critiquing

Another project under consideration is a Buddy System – especially for members who regularly attend monthly meetings.  Information will be available shortly.

As well, a project under the heading of “Critical Friends” is under consideration.   This is where two members  communicate with each other seeking feedback/critiquing on their writing – whether it be for a competition, a book or similar.  The Critical Friends process is also in the planning process.  The concept of Critical Friends is popular in many education facilities and workplaces.

This site will give you an idea of one model of the Critical Friends process.  Click here.  This works for a class group – though we are looking at a model where two members can work together. They will critique a piece of writing by the other.

As an example, what if you wrote a piece and submitted it to a competition.  It is  good news if you win, but what if you don’t?  In some competitions, the writer will get some feedback, from the judge.  What if you have the opportunity to get feedback from a writer friend? Someone who might make suggestions that will help you?  In the end, the writer has the choice of what he or she writes.  This  feedback might (and usually does) give the writer greater insight about their work.

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