• Membership year is from 1 July to 30 June
  • New Membership Fee: July to June $60 and half-year (January to June) $40
  • Annual renewal fee is $50


Click Here to read and print new membership form for application.




  1. Our membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June in the following year.
  2. Annual membership cost for those renewing is $50.
  3. Pay at a meeting (cash or cheque), or by direct debit to the Society of Women Writers Qld Inc, Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000, Account # 164 387 243. Add your name on the reference line.
  4. A notice of payment due will be included in the July newsletter, with a reminder in August.
  5. According to the rules of our constitution, members are classed as unfinancial when they are two months in arrears and will be removed from our mailing list on 1 September.
  6. We value our members so if you are experiencing any difficulties in paying, or have a question or a suggestion, please do contact us.