- Membership year is from 1 July to 30 June
- New Membership Fee: July to June $60 and half-year (January to June) $40
- Annual renewal fee is $50
- Our membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June in the following year.
- Annual membership cost for those renewing is $50.
- Pay at a meeting (cash or cheque), or by direct debit to the Society of Women Writers Qld Inc, Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000, Account # 164 387 243. Add your name on the reference line.
- A notice of payment due will be included in the July newsletter, with a reminder in August.
- According to the rules of our constitution, members are classed as unfinancial when they are two months in arrears and will be removed from our mailing list on 1 September.
- We value our members so if you are experiencing any difficulties in paying, or have a question or a suggestion, please do contact us.